6 Grain Industry Businesses Impacted by Viptera® Corn

Sales of Syngenta’s Agrisure Viptera® corn prior to approval for import by China has damaged the U.S. corn industry. The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) has estimated that the U.S. corn and DDGS sector has seen a $2.9 billion loss so far. This number is posed to increase to $3.4 billion in the coming year. Many businesses that contribute to grain exportation have been affected by this significant loss.

These six grain industry businesses have been impacted by Syngenta Viptera® and Duracade™ Corn:

  1. Corn Transportation Companies
  2. Grain Elevator Facilities
  3. Grain Traders/Brokers
  4. Grain Milling Industry
  5. Grain Processor Facilities & Plants
  6. Grain Exporters

In addition, several of the above business areas have sub divisions that were also compromised in the Viptera®-China dilemma. For example, the grain milling industry includes wet corn millers, dry corn millers, animal feed mills, and dry-mill ethanol producers.

Corn transportation companies can also include railroads, trucking companies, shipping companies, and barge companies. The list of businesses and individuals affected by Agrisure Viptera® and Agrisure Duracade™ is lengthy. It affects those at every step from corn farmers to exporters.

Background Information on the Viptera®-China Issues

Syngenta, a seed company based in Sweden, released the GMO corn seed Agrisure Viptera® onto the market in 2009. Agrisure Duracade™ is the newer, second generation GMO corn. These corn seeds contain the genetic trait MIR 162.

Although China had not approved this genetic trait for import, Syngenta indicated the approval was imminent. In 2013, China began to refuse U.S. corn imports that were found to have trace amounts of the MIR 162 genetic trait. Due to cross pollination, many U.S. corn and corn products have been rejected for import into China.

Farmers, corn and DDGS exporters, and businesses involved in the grain industry are beginning to hold Syngenta responsible for the damage caused. If you have been affected by the depressed U.S. corn and DDGS markets, contact Simmons Hanly Conroy and learn more about filing a Viptera® or Duracade™ lawsuit.

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