Next spring our friends at the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization will host their sixth annual conference in Chicago. We spoke with Linda Reinstein, Executive Director for ADAO, and she told us this year’s program promises to be the strongest conference to date. The speaker list will feature renowned asbestos and mesothelioma experts such as Dr. Hedy Kindler. No doubt members of Simmons Hanly Conroy will be in attendance to show support. Details on how you can register are included below.
Register for the 6th Annual Asbestos Awareness Day Conference
April 9 – 11, 2010
Marriott Renaissance Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Global Mission: Prevent, Detect and Treat Asbestos-Related Diseases
“Science and Technology Proves Asbestos is a Carcinogen”
This conference is made possible with the support and collaborative efforts of the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute and the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS).
Registration Fee
Professionals: $300
Students/Patients/Caregivers: $150
Sunday Remembrance Brunch: $25 with conference registration/$50 without conference registration
Agenda Session Topics Include
- Preventing Asbestos Exposure
- Detecting and Treating Asbestos-Related Diseases
- Asbestos Victim and Family Resources and Support
- Global Advocacy
Conference Speakers
- Brad Black, MD
- Barry Castleman, ScD
- Jeff Camplin, CSP, CPEA
- Sean Fitzgerald, PG
- Arthur Frank, MD, PhD
- Patrick Gerkin, PhD
- Fernanda Giannasi, ABREA
- Michael Harbut, MD, MPH, FCCP
- Tanis Hernandez, LCSW
- Laurie Kazan-Allen, IBAS
- Hedy Lee Kindler, MD
- Richard Lemen, PhD, MSPH
- Terry Lynch, Int’l Vice President, Insulators Union
- Pat Martin, Canadian Parliament Member
- Linda Reinstein, ADAO
- Kimberly Rowse, RN
- Jordan Summers, Musician
- James Webber, PhD
- Jordan Zevon, ADAO National Spokesperson and Musician
ADAO Asbestos Awareness Day Honorees
U.S. Senator Richard Durbin will be presented with the Tribute of Hope Award for his steadfast commitment and determination to ban asbestos.
The Center for Asbestos Related Disease Center (CARD) will receive the Tribute of Unity Award for their work to unite, educate and empower asbestos victims and medical community.
Dr. Hedy Kindler will be recognized with Dr. Irving Selikoff Lifetime Acheivement Award in honor of Dr. Selikoff’s dedicated research into the social and medical impact asbestos has had on humankind.
Fernanda Giannasai will be presented with teh Tribute of Inspiration Award for being a bridge of hope and strength to victims of asbestos exposure in India and worldwide.
Warren Zevon “Keep me in Your Heart” Memorial Award – TBA
June Breit, honored posthumously, The Alan Reinstein Memorial Award for her commitment to advocacy to eradicate mesothelioma and offer support to patients and their families.
Conference Schedule
Friday, April 9th
NEW! Private Gathering for Family, Patients, & Caregivers Only
5-6 pm
Meet and Greet with Jordan Zevon
Saturday, April 10th
8 am-5:30 pm
Sunday, April 11th
Remembrance Brunch
On Sunday ADAO will light five candles at 10:30 a.m. CST for victims throughout and around the world.