Simmons Hanly Conroy Shareholders To Be Featured at Upcoming Perrin Conference on Asbestos Litigation

Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC Shareholders Perry Browder, John Barnerd & Tim Thompson, Jr., will speak at “Cutting-Edge Issues in Asbestos Litigation,” an event presented by Perrin Conferences on March 3-4, 2011, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA.


On the morning of March 3, Browder will present in a panel titled “Asbestos Litigation in 2011 & Beyond – Current & Emerging Trends.” Panel members will review new and emerging theories, new case law and rulings that could shape future asbestos litigation, changes in the traditional administration of asbestos cases and defense and plaintiff perspectives on asbestos litigation in 2011.

Browder is the head of the asbestos department at the Simmons firm. He has dedicated his career to mesothelioma victims and their families. A veteran of more than 200 mesothelioma cases, Perry has played a key role in some of the largest verdicts in the country, including a $250 million verdict against U.S. Steel.


The following day, Barnerd will participate in a panel titled “Is the Jury Still Out? The latest Developments in Heavy Equipment and Components Parts Litigation.” Topics will include Navy vs. non-Navy cases, jurisdictional overview of cases with regards to trends toward either plaintiff or defense, and a breakdown of arguments in pending cases. Since 2002, Barnerd has represented hundreds of mesothelioma victims and their families around the United States and recovered millions of dollars on their behalf.


Immediately following, Thompson will participate in a panel titled “The Indirect Claimant – Bystander and Household Exposure Cases” investigating the growing occurrences of take home and bystander asbestos exposure cases. Panel participants will review the impact of recent rulings on premises owners and current case law regarding no duty. Thompson has vast, firsthand experience in handling complex toxic exposure cases and has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of families affected by mesothelioma.
