How Much Does it Cost to File an Asbestos Lawsuit?


With Simmons Hanly Conroy, it won’t cost you anything to file an asbestos lawsuit. We front every case. What does this mean for you? By pursuing a mesothelioma lawsuit with our firm, you incur zero financial risk.

Our experienced legal staff will investigate your claim, which includes researching your asbestos exposure history, at no cost to you or your family.

Should one of our lawyers decide to represent you or file a case, there will still be no cost to you or your family. We operate on a contingency fee, meaning our lawyers only collect a fee if and when you collect a settlement or verdict from your asbestos lawsuit.

You deserve to hold those who are responsible for your asbestos exposure accountable. Even after the connection between serious respiratory diseases, like mesothelioma, and asbestos exposure became definitive in the 1930s, companies continued to use asbestos. Let us help you hold those who are responsible for your pain, and your family’s pain, accountable through an asbestos lawsuit. Should you decided to pursue a mesothelioma lawsuit, recovery from a mesothelioma settlement can help you pay for critical treatments. It can also help to alleviate worries that medical costs might drain your family budget and send your family into debt.

Our mesothelioma lawyers represent clients nationwide, and they will come to you. Our lawyers have represented individuals and families affected by mesothelioma and helped them file mesothelioma lawsuits across the country. Please Contact Us about filing an asbestos lawsuit.

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