Alton, Illinois

Simmons Hanly Conroy LLP

One Court Street
Alton, IL 62002
Phone: (618) 693-3104
Fax: 618-259-2251

If you or a loved one has been injured and need the advice of our Alton, Illinois lawyers, please contact us. You can call our office locally at (618) 693-3104, nationally at (855) 264-6270, or schedule a free consultation using the form below.

Contact Us

Areas of Litigation

Our lawyers are committed to giving every injured person a voice, and our experience helping injured victims in the following areas of litigation runs deep:
Mesothelioma & Asbestos Dangerous Drugs & Devices Consumer Protection Business/Commercial Environmental Personal Injury Sexual Abuse

You Deserve a Voice

We believe victims of asbestos exposure, dangerous drugs and devices, personal injury, and corporate wrongdoing deserve a voice in the American legal system. Through no fault of your own, you or someone you love has been harmed, and you need someone with the experience, compassion and resources to advise you of your rights and guide you through the legal system.

The Attention You Deserve

Because our practice was built on the principle of giving each client the personal attention he or she deserves, we take our cases on a contingency basis. This helps shift some of the burden and ensures that we remain committed to helping you achieve the best results possible.