Mesothelioma and U.S. Army Veterans

The U.S. Army began using asbestos-containing products and building materials in the 1930s. This toxic mineral could be found throughout barracks, mess halls, hospitals and other buildings where soldiers slept, worked and ate.

There is no safe level of asbestos exposure. Decades later, U.S. Army veterans remain at risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

As a mesothelioma law firm founded by a U.S. Army veteran, Simmons Hanly Conroy is proud to work with veterans to secure justice. Call (800) 326-8900 now to see if you qualify for compensation.

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Asbestos Exposure in the U.S. Army

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral known for its strength and heat-resistant properties. Because of this, it was abundantly used by the military as insulation, throughout construction projects and in vehicle maintenance.

When asbestos fibers are disturbed, they can become airborne. Inhaling or ingesting these microscopic fibers causes them to get stuck inside the body, which can lead to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

By the late 1970s, the U.S. Army stopped using asbestos in new projects. However, asbestos remained in older buildings and equipment for years to come.

Since asbestos-related diseases can take 10-50 years to develop, many veterans remain at risk of mesothelioma and other serious illnesses.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, negligent asbestos companies may be to blame. As a national mesothelioma law firm, Simmons Hanly Conroy has the resources to help you figure out where and how you were exposed to asbestos.

Call (800) 326-8900 or fill out our consultation form today to learn more.

Asbestos in U.S. Army Barracks & Bases

Every branch of the military used asbestos throughout its bases, and the U.S. Army was no exception. Our U.S. Army veteran clients with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases have been stationed at bases across the country.

These have included: 

  • Aberdeen Proving Grounds
  • Camp Atterbury
  • Camp Beale
  • Camp Blanding
  • Camp Cook
  • Camp Dodge
  • Camp Fannin
  • Camp Gordon
  • Camp Howe
  • Camp McCain
  • Camp Pendleton
  • Camp Roberts
  • Camp Stoneman
  • Fitzsimons Army Hospital
  • For Campbell
  • Fort Belvoir
  • Fort Benning
  • Fort Bliss
  • Fort Bragg
  • Fort Buchanan
  • Fort Carson
  • Fort Chaffee
  • Fort Collins
  • Fort Devens
  • Fort Dix
  • Fort Drum
  • Fort Eustis
  • Fort Hamilton
  • Fort Hood
  • Fort Huachuca
  • Fort Hunter Liggett
  • Fort Indiantown Gap Military Reservation
  • Fort Irwin
  • Fort Jackson
  • Fort Jay
  • Fort Knox
  • Fort Lawton
  • Fort Lee
  • Fort Leonard Wood
  • Fort Leroy Johnson
  • Fort Lewis
  • Fort Lewis Army hospital
  • Fort Mason
  • Fort McClellan
  • Fort McCoy
  • Fort Mead
  • Fort Monmouth
  • Fort Niagara
  • Fort Ord
  • Fort Pickett
  • Fort Polk
  • Fort Richardson
  • Fort Riley
  • Fort Roberts
  • Fort Rucker
  • Fort Rucker
  • Fort Sam Houston
  • Fort Sheridan
  • Fort Sill
  • Fort Smith
  • Fort Snelling
  • Fort Stewart
  • Fort Thomas
  • Murphy Army Hospital
  • Oakland Army Base
  • U.S. Army Armory
  • U.S. Army War College/Carlisle Barracks

Don't see your base or station listed?

This is only a partial list of bases with asbestos. Contact Simmons Hanly Conroy today to see if your base could have exposed you to asbestos.

U.S. Army Jobs with High Asbestos Exposure

Unfortunately, some military occupations may have required veterans to work closely with asbestos due to the nature of their jobs.

U.S. Army jobs at high risk of asbestos exposure include:

  • Aircraft mechanics
  • Artillerymen and infantrymen
  • Carpenters
  • Construction and demolition workers
  • Drywallers
  • Electricians
  • Firefighters
  • Insulators
  • Vehicle mechanics

During their service time, U.S. Army veterans also often worked around various tradesmen, including boilermakers and pipefitters, who used asbestos materials while making repairs to various heat-related machinery and heavy duty equipment on military bases.

Simmons Hanly Conroy has represented over 3,000 veterans, in addition to civilian contractors and workers who were employed at U.S. Army bases both nationally and internationally.

U.S. Army Jobs with High Asbestos Exposure  background image
Asbestos in U.S. Army Vehicles and Aircraft background image

Asbestos in U.S. Army Vehicles and Aircraft

U.S. Army mechanics who worked on jeeps, trucks, motorcycles and troop transports have an increased risk for asbestos exposure. The same is the case for U.S. Army aviation mechanics who worked on helicopters and other aircraft.

These mechanics may have been exposed to asbestos-containing brakes, clutches, gaskets, adhesives and other asbestos-containing products while performing maintenance and repairs on these types of equipment.

Mesothelioma Compensation for U.S. Army Veterans

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that often requires hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and treatment.

With the help of an experienced mesothelioma lawyer, you may be able to secure compensation to help pay for treatment and other costs.

Mesothelioma compensation can be used to cover a variety of expenses, including:

  • Medical bills, like medications and doctor visits
  • Travel costs for surgeries or treatments
  • Everyday expenses
  • Providing for your family
  • Anything else you’d like

As a U.S. Army veteran diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, you may have the following options available to you to help cover your financial needs.

Our team has recovered more than $9.8 billion on behalf of our clients with mesothelioma. We may be able to help you access justice and financial compensation too.

Your asbestos attorney can help you determine your eligibility for each of these options.

VA Benefits

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is responsible for managing the VA financial benefits and VA health care benefits for all U.S. Army and service members.

To qualify for benefits, veterans with mesothelioma have to prove they were:

  • Honorably discharged from the U.S. Army
  • Exposed to asbestos during their service, making their illness service-related
  • Diagnosed with mesothelioma or an asbestos-related disease

Your mesothelioma attorneys can help you prepare your VA claims. Outside of VA benefits, U.S. Army veterans with mesothelioma may also be entitled to legal compensation.

VA Benefits background image

Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Many asbestos companies were aware of the fact that asbestos could cause people to develop deadly illnesses — but they hid this information to protect their profits.

A mesothelioma lawsuit may allow you to hold these companies accountable for their actions while seeking compensation to pay for medical bills, travel costs and other expenses.

You won’t be suing the U.S. Army or any other branch of the U.S. military.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Asbestos Trust Funds

As asbestos companies began to file for bankruptcy in an effort to avoid mesothelioma lawsuits, the U.S. court system mandated that these companies put money into trust funds to pay victims with asbestos-related diseases.

Today, there is an estimated $30 billion remaining in asbestos trust funds.

You may be able to access compensation from multiple trust funds with the help of our mesothelioma attorneys, without ever having to go to court.

Asbestos Trust Funds

“Not many firms have the legal resources dedicated to the mesothelioma and asbestos litigation process we do. We have amassed an extensive library since 1999.”

– John Simmons, U.S. Army Veteran & Firm Founder

Mesothelioma Settlements for U.S. Army Veterans

Simmons Hanly Conroy is dedicated to working with veterans who have become sick as a result of asbestos exposure.

Our mesothelioma lawyers will work to secure compensation on your behalf — at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family. We strive to maximize the amount of compensation that you receive.

Past mesothelioma settlements and verdicts for U.S. Army veterans have included:

$3.2 Million

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U.S. Army Veteran &
Maintenance Worker

  • $1.38 million granted to a U.S. Army veteran in New Jersey who died from peritoneal mesothelioma
  • $1.56 million awarded to an 83-year-old U.S. Army veteran in Pennsylvania who died from mesothelioma
  • $1.88 million to a 70-year-old U.S. Army veteran from New York who died from peritoneal mesothelioma
  • $1.76 million in settlements secured for a U.S. Army veteran and longshoreman in Texas who died from mesothelioma
  • $1 million granted to a pleural mesothelioma patient who was a U.S. Army veteran and electrician in Texas
  • $1.8 million granted to the family of an Illinois veteran diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma

$4.3 Million

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U.S. Army Veteran &

  • $2.9 million awarded to a U.S. Army veteran and pipefitter from Colorado who was diagnosed with mesothelioma
  • $1.3 million secured for a U.S. Army veteran and laborer from Texas diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma
  • $1.46 million in mesothelioma settlements to a 59-year-old Florida man who was a U.S. Army veteran and shipfitter
  • $1.3 million to a U.S. Army veteran who suffered from pleural mesothelioma in Pennsylvania
  • $1.5 million granted to a mesothelioma patient from Pennsylvania who was a U.S. Army veteran and tailor
  • $2.4 million in California mesothelioma settlements collected for the heirs of a U.S. Army veteran

$3.9 Million

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U.S. Army Veteran &

  • $1.66 million secured for a U.S. Army veteran and boilermaker in Pennsylvania with pleural mesothelioma
  • $2.25 million in settlements to a U.S. Army veteran and roofer in Washington
  • $1.18 million in settlements to a U.S. Army veteran and mechanic from Washington
  • $2 million awarded to a U.S. Army veteran and truck driver from Washington with mesothelioma
  • $1.27 million in settlements to a U.S. Army veteran and machinist who had pleural mesothelioma
  • Over $1.3 million secured for the family of a U.S Army veteran and laborer who was affected by pleural mesothelioma
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  • We fight to maximize your results
  • Many clients get results in as few as 90 days
  • No out-of-pocket costs for you or your family
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Mesothelioma Lawyers for U.S. Army Veterans

The U.S. Army mesothelioma lawyers at Simmons Hanly Conroy are well equipped to help veterans like you pursue legal compensation and prepare your VA claims.

Our legal team can:

  • Access warehouses of information related to the asbestos industry
  • Work with in-house research teams to learn when, where and how you were exposed
  • File claims against companies that made the asbestos products you were exposed to
  • Connect you to on-staff nurses who can help answer health-related questions

Simmons Hanly Conroy never files mesothelioma claims against the U.S. Army or other military branches. Our attorneys work to make the legal process as stress-free as possible for you and your family.

If you served in the U.S. Army and later developed mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation from legal claims, VA benefits and asbestos trust funds.

Contact Simmons Hanly Conroy today for a free legal consultation. Call (800) 326-8900 or fill out our contact form now.

Hear from Our Clients

At Simmons Hanly Conroy, we pride ourselves on building meaningful relationships with our clients. But you don’t have to take our word for it — hear what some of our clients have to say about their experience working with our mesothelioma law firm.

Mesothelioma & U.S. Army Veterans FAQs

Is mesothelioma a VA disability?

Yes. If you were exposed to asbestos during your time in the military, you may be eligible to file a VA claim for health care and financial compensation.

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, mesothelioma has a 100% disability rating. As of December 2023, this means that you may be eligible for over $3,700 a month from the VA.

What is the VA disability rating for mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma has a 100% disability rating, which means you may be eligible for over $3,700 a month from the VA.

Why do veterans get mesothelioma?

Asbestos was used across all U.S. military branches before the dangers of this toxic mineral were known to the public. Asbestos was present in the equipment, vehicles and buildings utilized by the U.S. military.

If the asbestos was disturbed and became airborne, veterans may have accidentally inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers. These fibers lodge themselves in the body and may eventually lead to veterans developing mesothelioma.

Does the military still use asbestos?

The military no longer uses asbestos in new construction projects. However, older U.S. Army vehicles, equipment and housing may still contain asbestos. 

Simmons Support Team
Reviewed by:John Simmons

Chairman of Simmons Hanly Conroy

  • Fact-Checked
  • Legal Reviewer

John Simmons is a founder and Chairman of Simmons Hanly Conroy. After serving in the U.S. Army, he went on to earn his Doctor of Law degree from Southern Methodist University School of Law. He has helped recover some of the biggest verdicts and settlements in asbestos litigation history and is rated as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers.

View Sources
  1. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “2025 Veterans disability compensation rates.” Retrieved from: Accessed on January 17, 2025.