At Simmons Hanly Conroy, our mesothelioma lawyers are committed to keeping you up-to-date on the latest asbestos and mesothelioma headlines. Below is a short list of some of the most recent headlines concerning the dangers of asbestos exposure, along with new information about mesothelioma research from throughout the United States and the world.
Canyon Building fined $10,500 for asbestos violations
In Tucson, Arizona, construction workers were exposed to asbestos when their employer directed them to remove pipes from a job site so another contractor would not have access to the valuable copper. A state investigation revealed the exposure. Canyon Building and Design was fined $10,500 by the Industrial Commission of Arizona.- Enzyme found in pineapples may make mesothelioma treatment more effective, study finds
A recent study found positive results associated with the effect of an enzyme in pineapple, called bromelain, on mesothelioma patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Specific findings revealed that bromelain significantly broke down (autophagy) and triggered cell death (apoptosis) among the mesothelioma cells in mesothelioma patients. - June Breit and Jocelyn Farrar Outstanding Nurse Award
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation introduces an award named in memory of two women and nursing professionals who died from mesothelioma. Individuals can nominate an individual in the nursing profession who “exhibits an optimistic, determined and generous spirit reflective of both June and Jocelyn.” The award will be presented at The Meso Foundation’s Awards Dinner on March 6, 2014 as part of the mesothelioma symposium.