Syngenta Corn DDGS Exporter Lawsuits

Impact of Syngenta’s Corn Rejection on Exporting Companies

Simmons Hanly Conroy GMO corn attorneys are currently investigating the legal rights of businesses in the corn industry who may have been harmed by China’s rejection of corn and DDGS shipments that contained traces of Agrisure Viptera® MIR 162 corn.

Simmons Hanly Conroy is no longer accepting Syngenta Corn DDGS exporter lawsuit cases.


Viptera® and the newer Duracade are genetically modified corn types made by Syngenta, a Swiss-based seed company. Viptera® has been on sale in the United States since 2009, and Duracad (its second-generation MIR 162 product) was released earlier this year. Although Syngenta made statements that approval of the MIR 162 trait in China was imminent (including statements by its CEO Michael Mack in 2012 that he expected approval by China “within a matter of a couple of days”), neither Viptera® corn nor its second-generation Duracade seed receive approval from Chinese regulators until years later.

Corn Exporters May File Lawsuits against Syngenta for MIR 162 GMO Trait

In addition to corn farmers, corn and DDGS exporters and businesses involved in the grain market have also reported losses due to China’s rejection of corn ships containing elements of Viptera® corn.

Companies have turned to Viptera® corn attorneys and filed lawsuits against Syngenta alleging the global seed company is responsible for the damages caused to corn prices due to the rejection of corn and DDGS shipments by China.

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