Bondex International, Inc.

Bondex International, Inc. sold and manufactured various asbestos-containing building materials between 1961 and 1977. After facing thousands of asbestos lawsuits, the company filed for bankruptcy protection in 2010 and formed an asbestos trust fund in 2016.

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma after working with or around Bondex asbestos products, you may be eligible for compensation.

Learn more about your options today by calling (800) 326-8900 or getting a free legal consultation.

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History of Bondex & Asbestos

The Reardon Company established Bondex in 1959. Bondex manufactured a variety of building materials, like joint compound, plaster, and wall and ceiling textures.

From 1961 to 1977, many Bondex products contained asbestos. Exposure to asbestos can cause serious health issues like mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer that develops decades after exposure.

Bondex asbestos products were used for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Bondex’s residential products were marketed as do-it-yourself items for home repairs.

Although the company quit using asbestos in its products in 1977, the damage had already been done. Thousands of workers, consumers and their families had been exposed.

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The Creation of the Bondex Asbestos Trust Fund background image

The Creation of the Bondex Asbestos Trust Fund

After using asbestos in their products for decades, Bondex faced thousands of mesothelioma lawsuits from workers, consumers and their families.

To manage the growing costs of asbestos litigation and resolve all of these claims, Bondex and its holding company Specialty Products Holding Corp. filed for bankruptcy in 2010.

As a condition of filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Bondex had to set aside money in an asbestos bankruptcy trust fund. This trust fund provides compensation to those who suffer from asbestos-related illnesses as a result of exposure to Bondex products. In 2016, the Bondex Asbestos Personal Injury Trust was established.

You may qualify for compensation from the Bondex asbestos trust if you were diagnosed with mesothelioma after being exposed to the company’s products.

See If You Qualify for Compensation

Bondex Asbestos Products

Due to the natural strength and durability of its fibers, asbestos was commonly used in many Bondex construction and building materials.

Bondex made and sold a variety of asbestos-containing products, including:

Finishing Materials

  • Dramex Interior Finish (1966-1977)

Joint Cement & Compound

  • Bondex All Purpose Joint Cement (1966-1977)
  • Bondex All Purpose Joint Compound (1966-1977)
  • Bondex Ready Mixed Joint Cement (1966-1977)
  • Reardon’s All Purpose Joint Cement (1961-1977)
  • Reardon’s Ready Mixed Joint Cement (1961-1976)
  • Reardon’s SX Joint Cement (1961-1977)
  • Reardon’s SX Topping Cement (1961-1977)
  • SX Joint Cement (1966-1977)

Patching Materials

  • Bondex Handy Patch (1966-1977)
  • Bondex Multi-Patch (1976-1977)
  • Reardon’s Handy Patch (1961-1977)

Bondex joint compound and ready-to-use joint cement was used for taping drywall and texturing. Bondex patches were used for interior and exterior patching and resurfacing.

Although Bondex stopped using asbestos in their products in 1977, many Bondex asbestos products may still be in place in some settings (like older structures built before the company stopped using asbestos).

Occupations at Risk of Asbestos Exposure by Bondex

In addition to those who worked at Bondex, everyday consumers and those who worked in a number of different occupations may have come in contact with Bondex asbestos-containing products and building materials.

Occupations at risk of exposure to Bondex asbestos products may include:

Unfortunately, workers in these positions may have also unknowingly brought asbestos fibers home with them, exposing their loved ones as well.

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Get Help Holding Bondex Accountable

If you worked with or around Bondex asbestos products and were later diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease like mesothelioma, you may be able to hold the company accountable and pursue compensation for your illness.

As a leading national mesothelioma law firm, Simmons Hanly Conroy has helped thousands of families affected by asbestos exposure across the country get the results they deserve.

Over the last 20 years, our attorneys have recovered over $9.3 billion on behalf of clients with mesothelioma.

Get a free legal consultation or call (800) 326-8900 today to learn more about your legal options and how we can help. There’s no cost or obligation to speak with our team.

Bondex & Asbestos FAQs

How do I file a claim with the Bondex asbestos trust fund?

The easiest way to file an asbestos claim is to work with an experienced mesothelioma attorney who will handle the legal process for you.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma after being exposed to Bondex asbestos products, we may be able to pursue compensation from the Bondex asbestos trust and any other asbestos companies responsible for your illness.

During a free legal consultation, a member of our team can listen to the details of your case and let you know if you qualify for compensation. Contact us today to get started.

When did Bondex stop using asbestos?

In 1977, Bondex stopped using asbestos. The company relied on asbestos to make a variety of construction materials, including joint compound, finishing material and patching products before this time.

However, Bondex asbestos products may still be present in some structures built before the company stopped using asbestos.

Simmons Support Team
Legal Reviewer Nick AngelidesReviewed by:Nicholas J. Angelides

Partner, Simmons Hanly Conroy

  • Fact-Checked
  • Legal Reviewer

Attorney Nick Angelides is a partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy. He joined the firm in 2003, and currently helps direct the legal strategy for all of the firm’s asbestos and mesothelioma cases. Nick has nearly 15 years of litigation experience and has handled asbestos cases throughout the country, recovering hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of individuals and families impacted by asbestos-related diseases.