Mesothelioma Caregivers

Caring for a Loved One with Mesothelioma

Navigating a mesothelioma diagnosis can be a complex, overwhelming task. Caregivers have one of the most important and challenging jobs.

In addition to managing your own well-being, you may find yourself responsible for daily tasks such as administering medications, handling financial affairs, organizing appointments and dealing with medical and legal professionals.

At Simmons Hanly Conroy, every single one of our mesothelioma lawyers is committed to helping families and caregivers affected by mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

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Mesothelioma Care

As a mesothelioma caregiver, you may find yourselves helping with a variety of emotional, physical and financial tasks. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Finding treatment facilities and providing transportation to them
  • Administering medicine regimens
  • Organizing and planning financial obligations
  • Helping with household chores, such as cooking and cleaning

Watch this video to see what one of our clients has to say about caring for a loved one with mesothelioma.

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Mesothelioma Caregiver Support

As the primary source of support, you make a difference in your loved one’s fight against mesothelioma. It’s important to make sure you’re getting support for yourself as well.


What Caregivers Need to Know About Mesothelioma

Providing mesothelioma care may require you to be very knowledgeable about the disease in order to help your loved one make informed treatment decisions.

The following resources will help you start to understand this rare and aggressive form of cancer:

Looking for more mesothelioma care information? Call (800) 326-8900. Our team of registered nurses can answer any questions you have at no cost to you.

Mesothelioma Information by State

Our mesothelioma lawyers regularly work with patients, families and caregivers across the United States. If your loved one has mesothelioma, our attorneys will travel to you, no matter your location.

Choose your location from the menu or on the map below to learn more about filing a mesothelioma lawsuit in your state.

Learn More About Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Download our guide: Asbestos Litigation, Your Guide to the Legal Process.

Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit can help you cover medical expenses and ensure the family’s well-being for years to come. Learn more about the litigation process by downloading our mesothelioma lawsuit guide. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced mesothelioma lawyers.

Download the Guide
Learn More About Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit background image
Simmons Support Team
Amy Fair R.N.Reviewed by:Amy Fair R.N.

Director of Medical Relations

  • Fact-Checked
  • Medical Reviewer

Amy fills a unique role helping guide patients and families through the often confusing and overwhelming steps following an asbestos-related cancer diagnosis. Assisted by 14 medical assistants and a Licensed Practical Nurse, Amy and her medical team provide healthcare information and explain treatment options to those recently diagnosed and throughout the progression of their disease.