Connie’s Story

World War II veteran Conrad “Connie” Bauer risked his life time and again during his military service.

As a 17-year-old private in the Marine Corps, Connie led a troop of 20 stretcher-bearers that carried wounded soldiers to safety during the Battle of Iwo Jima. His group rescued at least 200 men, including 44 in a single night.

He also saved the lives of his troop by safely exploding a bomb attached to a dead Japanese soldier.

“It was tough,” Connie said in an interview with the Edwardsville Intelligencer. “I didn’t talk about this stuff until about 15 years ago. For all those years, I didn’t say nothing to nobody about nothing.”

However, Connie didn’t know civilian life would also put him in danger due to asbestos exposure.

Connie Bauer

Post-Service Asbestos Exposure

After serving his country, Connie started his own electrical contracting business in 1960. Unfortunately, this was at a time when electricians widely used asbestos as an insulator for cables and wires.

Connie worked around asbestos for years and was eventually diagnosed with asbestosis, an incurable disease that slowly destroys the lungs.

Like thousands of other asbestosis victims, Connie never knew the dangers of asbestos until it was too late. The manufacturers of asbestos-based products hid the deadly risks for decades to keep profits high.

Filing a Lawsuit

After his diagnosis, Connie worked with Simmons Hanly Conroy — a law firm founded by U.S. veterans — to file a lawsuit and pursue compensation.

As part of his legal deposition, Connie opened up about his World War II experiences and his later work with asbestos-containing products. Our team used this information to secure a financial settlement for Connie and avoid a trial.

Connie was pleased with the results of his settlement and was able to receive compensation before he passed away at the age of 91.

Learn More About Filing Asbestos Lawsuits

Simmons Hanly Conroy is proud to help those with asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases navigate the legal system. Our law firm has recovered over $8 Billion for asbestos clients since 1999.

Legal compensation from an asbestos lawsuit can cover medical expenses and protect your family’s financial future. Our legal team makes the process easy for you and your loved ones.

To learn more about accessing compensation, get a free legal consultation.

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The Simmons Hanly Conroy Editorial Team consists of journalists, writers and editors who strive to deliver accurate and useful information to families needing legal help. Our team works alongside the firm's attorneys and partners, as well as with medical professionals and other specialists, to keep all information relevant and helpful.