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Approximately 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma every year. Among those, the majority are men, most likely because of past asbestos exposure in occupations more common to men, such as military servicemen, construction workers and machinists. While the rate of mesothelioma is lower in women than men, some women are still diagnosed with the horrible disease. Ginger is one those women.
Ginger was diagnosed with mesothelioma in February 2010, at 40 years old. It was an especially devastating diagnosis, as her husband, Jarrod, was already fighting a benign brain tumor. Both Ginger and Jarrod could not work due to their medical conditions, and their medical costs were causing heavy financial burdens.
Following her diagnosis, Ginger underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy and surgery. Yet, she did not let her disease or her treatments get in the way of the life she wanted to live. About one year after her diagnosis, and despite her doctor’s disapproval, Ginger went on a mission trip with her church to Nicaragua.
“Once you’ve walked with cancer, you understand how fragile life is,” she said. “[N]obody is getting out of [this Earth] alive.”
While there, she spent a great deal of time with local children and helped distribute meals to them. Ginger loved every minute of her time in Nicaragua, but the weight of her disease and the financial burden that came with it were still in the back of her mind.
Simmons Hanly Conroy was proud to help Ginger secure the compensation that eased some of the financial burden cast on her by the mesothelioma diagnosis. Because of their mesothelioma lawsuit, Ginger and Jarrod were able to focus on more important aspects of their life instead of wondering how to pay the next bill.
“What you guys do, it matters,” Ginger said about our mesothelioma law firm. “Once the financial weight is off your brain, it’s easier to worry about the things that matter, [like] my treatments, getting better and the quality of life. Simmons has been a huge blessing to us.”
Today, Ginger volunteers for the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and helps lead a prayer group for mesothelioma survivors, caregivers and their families.
Our mesothelioma lawyers have helped many people like Ginger fight for the compensation they deserve. There are several reasons to file a mesothelioma lawsuit – helping to pay medical expenses is just one example.
Learn more about filing a mesothelioma lawsuit now.
Download our guide: Asbestos Litigation, Your Guide to the Legal Process.
Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit can help you cover medical expenses and secure your family’s future well-being for years to come. Our mesothelioma lawyers will make the process as easy as possible for you and guide you through the legal system. Learn more about what to expect when filing a mesothelioma lawsuit by downloading our free introductory guide.
Questions? Contact Us for a free legal consultation. Call (800) 326-8900.