Simmons Hanly Conroy Attorney Amy GarrettCo-chairs Event on Sept. 18 in St. Louis
Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC, a nationwide leader in asbestos and mesothelioma litigation, will sponsor and co-host the HarrisMartin’s Midwest Asbestos Litigation Conference for the sixth consecutive year. It will take place Friday, Sept. 18 at the Four Seasons Hotel in St. Louis, Mo.
The one-day conference will bring together attorneys, both plaintiff and defendant, judges and physicians from around the Midwest to learn about ongoing trends in asbestos litigation. Simmons Hanly Conroy Shareholder Amy Garrett will serve as conference co-chair for the third consecutive year.
“The Midwest Asbestos Litigation Conference helps attorneys, doctors, and judges understand asbestos litigation and communicate how hardworking men and women were exposed to asbestos, which has led to deadly diseases, such as mesothelioma,” Garrett said.
The event agenda includes a range of asbestos experts, including J. Conrad Metcalf from Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC, who will discuss asbestos exposure.
Metcalf, who has been practicing law for over 40 years, will co-present with Mark G. Zellmer from Husch Blackwell LLP in St. Louis. They are speaking on “Any Exposure Above Background: Is It Really Causative?”
Partner Matt Petersen will also co-present with Clayton Starnes, of Shapiro Settlement Solutions, on “Medicare and Efficient Lien Resolution.”
Petersen, who has over a decade of legal experience, focuses his practice on helping families, who have lost loved ones due to mesothelioma, navigate the asbestos bankruptcy process, including handling issues related to Medicare and medical liens.
Other conference topics include asbestos-related take-home exposure cases, causes of mesothelioma, asbestos litigation trends in Cook County, pointers for lawyers in St. Louis, ethics and more.
For more information about the conference, to view the agenda or to register, click here.