By | November 7, 2014

8 Serious Actos Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of

Side effects of Actos, a prescription drug used to treat diabetes, have shown to be dangerous. An oral medication that lowers blood sugar, Actos is a very popular drug for treating type… Read More

By | October 28, 2014

Male Pattern Baldness Linked to Increased Prostate Cancer Risk

Male pattern baldness has long been a source of anxiety for men, raising concerns of appearance and aging. Aside from aesthetic effects, though, it can have much more serious implications. An early… Read More

By | October 28, 2014

Pharmaceutical News Wrap Up: October 2014

The Simmons Hanly Conroy pharmaceutical lawyers are dedicated to providing you with the latest pharmaceutical news. Below is a short list of some of the most recent headlines concerning FDA recalls and… Read More

By | October 22, 2014

Blood Thinner Xarelto Linked to Life-Threatening Side Effects

This year, claims have been filed by patients and their family members who say the use of blood thinner Xarelto has led to serious, irreversible internal bleeding and death. The drug currently… Read More

By | October 18, 2014

6 Lipitor Side Effects You May Not Be Aware Of

Like many pharmaceutical drugs, Lipitor can cause problems as serious as those it is solving. Lipitor is prescribed to lower ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides as well as to raise ‘good’ (HDL)… Read More

By | October 10, 2014

Pradaxa Manufacturer Pays $650 Million in a Comprehensive Settlement

Earlier this year, Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer of Pradaxa (dabigatran), agreed to pay $650 million in a comprehensive settlement related to lawsuits issued by users of the drug. Reports of death, bleeding… Read More

By | October 8, 2014

FDA Advises Drugmakers to Conduct Further Studies on Testosterone Heart Risk

An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently voted 20-1 that further assessment of the health risks of testosterone therapy is needed among drugmakers. Among the panel, 16… Read More

By | October 6, 2014

Risperdal, Weight Gain and Gynecomastia: The Connection

Risperdal is currently used to treat severe psychiatric disorders despite escalating reports of unhealthy weight gain and gynecomastia. Due to the drug’s success and its lack of proper warning, though, doctors continue to… Read More

By | September 2, 2014

5 Gynecomastia Facts You May Not Know

Gynecomastia is a condition that has been linked to the use of Risperdal among adolescent boys. It involves the enlargement of male breasts as well as the secretion of milk. Male breasts… Read More

By | August 26, 2014

How Many Men Really Need Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

More men are turning to prescription medications such as testosterone replacement therapy to combat “low T syndrome.” In the United States, testosterone prescriptions among men have tripled since 2001. What some people… Read More
